Vancouver council is poised for another expansion of its bike lane network. CoV Report This is welcomed news for folks who are a bit tentative in their cycling through the city because they feel unsafe while riding. I know with my family that there has been a sea change in how much my wife and […]
Monday July 29, Council update: Council will next meet on the Active Transportation Corridor in Kits on Monday July 29 at 6 pm at City Hall in Council Chambers. The speakers list is now closed, but speakers who were on the original list, but missed their time can speak at the meeting. Council will debate […]
From Active Transportation at the City of Vancouver Point Grey Road-Cornwall Avenue Active Transportation Corridor Project Update Following up on our last update, this email is to provide you with information about the upcoming public open houses for the second phase of consultation for the Point Grey Road-Cornwall Avenue Corridor Project. The open houses will […]