50% of all trips made by foot, bike or transit. Lets keep expanding the network

Add your name in support of better and safer active transportation network in Vancouver

It’s hard not to be happy and have a smile on your face when you are riding a bike in Vancouver. What a wonderful weekend for riding it was. It’s really starting to feels like summer now that the sun is getting  hotter. The smell of sun block is in the air and the pools are open.

Folks involved in “active transportation”: walking, using transit and riding bikes have more reasons to have a smile on their face. Last week at city council it was reported that 50% of all trips in Vancouver are done by active transportation. This was a goal in the Greenest City Action Plan for 2020 and in 2016 we have already accomplished this goal. This is up from 40% in 2008. Nicely done Vancouver!

In a email from  Vision Vancouver last week it was stated “…there are now almost 100,000 bike trips a day in Vancouver. That’s a 20% year-over-year increase.”, which is pretty remarkable.

Active transportation is definitely  better now  that there are protected bike lanes throughout the city, like the Burrard Bridge, Hornby Street, the Adanac-Union Bikeway and the Pt. Grey Road greenway.

But we still need to do more and support city council in creating safety improvements to make walking and riding bikes better. There are still lots of gaps in the bike network in Vancouver. Every time I ride through the West End to the Burrard Bridge I know we can make this route safer and better. Please sign the petition to create more bike lanes in Vancouver.

Voting “yes”

I know why I am voting “yes” in the transit referendum: To have a healthier and happier future for my family. I am convinced that by increasing our regional transit capacity there will be more opportunity for us to live active lives and create a positive environment for everyone in the Metro Van region to thrive.

Of course we can list the numerous rational reasons about the importance of more transit, more bike lanes and less congestion from an economic and public health perspective, but the many stories of our lives will be what influences our decision.

What are the stories that will motivate people to the importance of voting “yes” in the referendum?

The stories that motivate me to vote “yes” are the prospects of a future where my family can live in a more ecologically sustainable, affordable and economically vital region.

My wife does not drive and travels by walking, transit and bike. I know that improvements to this “active transportation” network will make her safer, happier and healthier.

Our family made the decision not to own a car. We use Modo the Car Co-op and Car2Go when we need a car and we use active transportation the other times. As we all grow older it will be good to know that public transit will be able to support us. By creating excellent conditions to walk, ride and take transit we are proactively promoting lifestyles that will result in better health outcomes.

My two daughters have been transit users from an early age. I have trekked with them back and forth from the West End to Kits to their school for many years. Now I am proud of their independence in their ability to navigate the city as adolescents. I know that better transportation infrastructure is going to make them more independent and improve their lives.

Vancouver is a wonderful place to live. More and more people will be coming here. It is of vital importance to have a transportation system that can support all of us. A adequately funded public transportation system will create more affordability for younger people and develop a more vital economy to support all of us. Having a robust and adaptable public transportation system is going to be a huge asset in Metro Van’s ability to adapt to climate change and create a more sustainable future.

Transportation referendum: lessons learned from the front line

1translinkFrom Translink:

This spring, Metro Vancouver voters will have a say on proposed transportation and transit improvements through a referendum — the first of its kind in Canada.

Carl Guardino, one of the most influential forces on transportation policy and funding in the San Francisco and Silicon Valley area, will share his firsthand experiences and lessons learned from managing transportation referenda.

Join the conversation on January 19 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre. Admission is free, but reservations are required.
Reserve your spot


The Park Board is integral to becoming the greenest city in the world


FROM CREATING MORE inclusive community centres to developing great parks, public space is integral to making Vancouver the greenest city in the world by the year 2020.

I am running for the Vancouver park board with Vision Vancouver to participate in creating great public spaces for people, habitat, urban wildlife, and our pets. I want to serve as a Vancouver park board commissioner to ensure that the priorities of local government adequately address issues of sustainability and livability for residents and business in order to make our city better for everyone.

The park board oversees community centres, parks, and green spaces that are central to developing a happier and healthier city. Whether they are working towards making our community centres more inclusive and welcoming, or providing opportunities in our parks to experience nature, these spaces are important in making social connections.

These are places where we make friends, chat about with neighbours, and discuss issues.

These relationships and dialogues are critical to building a more inclusive, welcoming, and sustainable Vancouver.

I understand these issues both from personal experience and from my extensive history of activism in Vancouver. I am a past president of the West End Residents Association, past board member of the West End Community Centre, and vice chair of the Save St. Paul’s Coalition. As a volunteer activist, I have participated in the construction of community gardens, art projects, and celebrations, while advocating for active transportation infrastructure.

From my time serving as a director of the West End Community Centre, I know first-hand the investment that community centre volunteers make in their communities and the passion they have for their work. I have been proud to raise my children in Vancouver and I recognize the importance of community centres and services that they offer. I also fully appreciate the significance of shared responsibility and respect between the park board and community centre associations.

If elected as a park board commissioner, I will work with all community centre associations to create stronger, more collaborative relationships. The park board needs to continue to build on the success of the OneCard. With thousands of Vancouverites accessing recreation opportunities, the OneCard has further increased access and participation in fitness centres, skate rinks and pools.

By expanding public spaces, increasing access to recreation opportunities, and more, Mayor Gregor Robertson and the Vision team have provided strong and experienced leadership to keep Vancouver moving forward. As a longtime community advocate and volunteer, I have a great deal of enthusiasm and experience to bring to our park board. This November, I want to join the team to continue Vancouver’s environmental progress by maintaining, renewing and expanding our park and recreational system in our city.


I am excited to have the opportunity to be a candidate for the Park Board with Vision

This summer has been a real roller coaster of emotions for me! Not getting a nomination spot with Vision Vancouver was a huge disappointment but that is the democratic process and I accepted the results. The upside is my scheduled opened up considerably and this provided the opportunity to engage in period of self-reflection and evaluation. Who could ask for a better summer to engage in this endeavour? I’ve never cycled as much as this wonderful summer season and this was a delight.

With the completion of the Whistler GranFondo over it was time to buckle down and start getting ready for the Eastside Culture Crawl. Then, the call came to my total surprise as I had dismissed any chance of being part of Vision team for the Nov. 15 civic election. The party reached out to me and offered a position to run for the Park Board.

I was honoured that the Vision Vancouver executive asked me to be a candidate for the Park Board and I accepted after consulting with my family. I am looking forward to campaigning with the other Vision candidates Commissioner Trevor Loke, Coree Tull, Sammie Jo Rumbaua, Naveen Girn and Catherine Evans.

In this election it is critically important that Vancouver continues to move forward on the important issues in our city. Vancouver still needs more action to be the Greenest City. The expansion of oil pipelines and more tankers in our waters is a dangerous risk to our coastline. Expanding public transit in the Broadway corridor is critical to developing more sustainable transportation. Mayor Gregor Robertson and the Vision Vancouver represent a clear choice for moving Vancouver forward to more progressive, resilient future where the priorities are clear in creating a city for peoples’ health and happiness.

I am so proud and appreciative of the support that folks have given me during the nomination period. I could not have achieved as much as I have without them. Now I am asking for your continued assistance in supporting Mayor Robertson and the Vision Vancouver team. The NPA would drag Vancouver back into the past whereas Vision represents a clear progressive choice to move Vancouver forward.

The 2014 Celebration of Light

Saturday, July 26 United States 10pm
Wednesday, July 30 Frances, 10 pm
Saturday, August 2, Japan, 10 pm

With the temperature soaring the summer is well under way. The annual Celebration of Light is set to start on Saturday July 26 with the US selected to start the show. With thousands of people descending on Vancouver’s West End at English Bay to view the spectacle, there are always concerns of public disorder

The event is a huge undertaking for the VPD, with increased officers present for the event, a helicopter patrol and even video surveillance of the crowd. There is always a lot of concern about how much garbage is on the beaches the next day. The cleaning of the beach is an impressive bit of work.

Another concern with thousands of folks visiting the West End is the call of nature. Where do all these people go to the washroom when there are here? In past years there have complaints about public urination in the alleys of the West End as the crowds leaveNatianl Post 2010. The event hires portable washrooms in English Bay, but as people leave the West End there is some public urination in the alleys. Some buildings erected temporary fencing to protect their property or hire security for the night.

If there were portable urinals or pissoirs in the alleys that would be a practical solution to the issues. In Amsterdam there are pissoirs in public squares. This simple design intervention in the

pissior in amsterdam


An invitation, Gregor and new Vision Candidates, Monday July 14, 6pm, Jewel Ballroom


Monday, July 14, 2014
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Jewel Ballroom
4th Floor, 1495 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver

Light appetizers, cash barbecue & cash bar
Tickets are FREE

But you need to RSVP

Vision Vancouver has accomplished a lot in two terms. This election will set the tone for the future of our City. Brief talk and introductions followed by Q & A


Seaside Greenway Party, Sat. July 5th, 11 am – 3 pm

Come celebrate the completion of one of Vancouver’s best public realm treasures. The Seaside Greenway that connects downtown’s Seawall and False Creek with Jericho Beach is ready to be biked, walked, or rolled – and may the best costume or decorated bike win!

What will you find? In the parks along the route towards Jericho Beach, you can listen to live music, zip yourself into a giant petal (really!), feast from your favorite food trucks, get crafty with the kids, play all sorts of lawn games, strike a yoga pose and more. Bring your picnic lunch and find a shady spot amid the festivities and don’t forget plenty of water and sunscreen. A bike valet will be available in Hastings Mill Park sponsored by BEST.

But wait, there’s more!

Continue west down the Seaside Greenway route to check out Brock House’s Summer Fair, Jericho Sailing Centre’s 40th Anniversary Celebration (we’ve heard rumours that there’s cake!) and MEC’s Paddlefest on Jericho Beach. Also, don’t miss the volleyball tournament on Kitsilano Beach on the way down.

This celebration for everyone is supported by many, including the Vancouver Public Space Network, HUB Cycling, the UBC AMS Bike Co-op, BEST, area neighbours and others.

Thanks! Great campaign, disappointing results for our team!


Congratulations to the new Vision Vancouver candidates for the Park Board, Trish Kelly, Sammie Jo Rambaua, Naveen Girn and Coree Tull. Thanks to all the candidates who put their names forward to run in the nomination process.

Of course, I am disappointed with the results from yesterday’s poll of Vision members. It was not the outcome that I was hoping for although I am very proud of the campaign that we ran. It was an exciting process and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to put my name forward and grateful for the new connections I made with so many people. I really appreciate everyone who took out memberships and voted. A huge thank you to the great team who helped and volunteered with the campaign.

A special thanks to my daughters, Saffrin and Mallika for helping out on the both polling days and to my wife, Anita and her parents, Rom and Samantha for their support throughout the campaign.


VOTE this Sunday June 22, 9 am- 6pm, 326 W 5 Ave


Next step to elect Brent to the Park Board-VOTE

Thanks to everyone who took out a membership and voted in the advance poll last Wednesday.

It’s been a hard fought campaign so far.  Every vote is going to count.  I know we’re close- your vote could be what makes the difference on Sunday. I need you to VOTE!

You must VOTE for 4 candidates or your ballot will not be counted. You will also need ID with your name and address.

After getting to know the many good candidates running, I am recommending the following three people who I think would also make great additions to our Parks Board team:

Granham Anderson
Naveen Girn
Sammie Jo Rumbaua

Thanks again for your support –please make sure you get out and VOTE on Sunday!

