This warning was issued to the public almost 2 weeks ago, it is still in effect. Please share this information widely, remembering that most people who use heroin do not live in the DTES. Most hold jobs, pay mortgages, and no one knows… .
Judy Graves, Homeless Advocate for the City of Vancouver
January 17, 2011
The Vancouver Police Department is issuing a public warning to local drug users.
Two people have already died from what police fear is potentially fatal heroin in circulation. Two women, one 19 years old and one 26 years old, both died of possible heroin overdoses. In a third case, a man had injected heroin, but it was cut with an unknown substance and caused very serious side-effects.
The Vancouver Police are warning drug users to be extremely cautious and utilize the services of INSITE. INSITE has medical personnel on hand that can help if there are problems.
In response to these recent incidents, the VPD has advised a number of local agencies, including INSITE, Vancouver Coastal Health, local police agencies, the B.C. Ambulance Service, and other community partners.
Anyone seeing someone appearing to be in medical distress is urged to immediately call 9-1-1 and if you are a drug user who has used and don’t feel well, seek medical attention or help immediately.