Can Asian Food Choices Become Part of a Local Food System?

Tonight at the Richmond Cultural Centre, 7700 Minoru Gate, at 7 pm I am going to attend a panel discussion on local food networks with the provocative title of: “Can Asian Food Choices Become Part of a Local Food System?” I not sure what the answer to the question will be, but given that the production of food is a significant factor in the amount of green house gases that we as a culture produce, the panel discussion should proved to be interesting.

The Facebook event describes the panel discussion in the following manner:

“With recent emphasis on local diets and strengthening regional food systems, what role does the Asian diet play in the 21st Century?

Should we continue to eat rice in North America in the coming years as we see shortages around the world?

Join local artists Bard Suen, Shark Truth founder Claudia Li, and RangiChangi Director Kevin Washbrook for a panel discussion that is sure to raise some controversial issues. Hosted by the Richmond Food Security Society, RangiChangi Roots, and the City of Richmond.

For more information email Arzeena Hamir at or call 604-727-9728.”

Facebook event

I will report back latter today about the content of the talk. I hope the eating of brown rice is not going to be problematic.

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