Home, Recap & Dialogue: An Exploration of 3 Vancouver Communities, Tuesday June 19, 6-9 pm
Recap and dialogue of the Jane’s Walks Special
June 19, 6 – 9pm, Museum of Vancouver (1100 Chestnut St)
In support of the ongoing community planning processes at the City of Vancouver, MOV and Spacing Magazine have partnered with them in order to co-host a series of walking tours in the three areas where planning dialogues will take place: Marpole, the West End and Grandview-Woodland.
Three concurrent walking tours were held as part of the Jane’s Walk activities that place in Vancouver on Sunday, May 6. Jane’s Walk are yearly, community-led walking tours that take place in neighbourhoods across the worlds in honour of the late urbanist Jane Jacobs.
This free public dialogue is an opportunity for participants, tour leaders, and neighborhood planners to reconvene and share their insights, learnings, and thoughts from their respective neighborhood walks.
The local resident and urban designer from each neighborhood – Marpole, Grandview-Woodland, and the West End – will recap highlights from their walks, and share brief features that make that neighborhood unique. City of Vancouver planners will be on hand to answer questions about the specific Community Plan and provide more details about the ongoing process.
6:00PM – Welcome/Interactive Warmup “Jane’s Game”
6:30PM – Introductions, Neighborhood Recaps
7:30PM – Discussion
8:15PM – Wrapup & Mingling
*cash bar and reception to follow