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City of Vancouver

Does the City of Vancouver have a displacement plan for renters evicted for redevelopment?

Public Open House Proposed Development of 1365 Burnaby Street -Pre-Development Permit application Open House -New Construction of a 21 Unit Rental Aartment -6 Storeys within conditional parameters of RM-5A Zoning Bylaw Date: Thursday, March 7, 2013 Time: 4 pm-8pm Place: Sandman Suites Hotel 1160 Davie St reet 2nd Floor Meeting Room For futher information, please […]

“Walkshops”, West End Planning team invites thinking on the city designs

From the West End Planning Team: West End Commercial Streets “Walkshops” The West End’s four commercial streets (Davie, Denman, Robson and Alberni Streets) are part of the community planning process. We invite you to attend a “walkshop” where we will encourage you to think about the way we design buildings, sidewalks, roads, landscaping, street furniture, […]

Information Session on Housing in the West End

From the West End Planning team: Upcoming Event Affordable housing and homelessness are important issues in the West End. As part of the West End community planning process, this session will be an opportunity to find out what we’ve heard about housing so far (from both the community and the area housing providers), and to […]

West End Plan update with schedule of up coming events

From the Cov West End Planning team: NCN Meet ‘n’ Greet   Tuesday, January 29, 2013 6:30 to 8:30 pm Gordon Neighbourhood House (1019 Broughton St), Room 1 The Meet ‘n’ Greet is an opportunity for staff to share some of the exciting results from a variety of events and activities that took place this […]

The city starts consultation on “active transportation corridor” in Kits

The City would like your input regarding an active transportation corridor connecting the Burrard Bridge to Jericho Beach From: Dhaneva Panday, Planning Assistant City of Vancouver | Engineering Services, Active Transportation 507 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0B4 T: 604.873.7917| E: dhaneva.panday@vancouver.ca Hello, I’m emailing you to connect and inform you of an upcoming project […]

The Comox-Helmcken Greenway section 1, at Council tomorrow, Wed. Dec. 12, 9:30 am

Council update Dec. 12:48 pm from Twitter. @theemilyjackson on twitter is reporting: “$5.4-million Comox-Helmcken greenway passes unanimously. It’s 2km. #vanpoli”

Council update: Councilor Reimer strikes and replaces NPA motion on anonymous donations

Residents of Canadian cities need to have confidence in their elected official and know that the decisions made are in the best interest of the city and not influenced by anonymous donations. Yesterday, Tuesday November 28, Vancouver City Council considered a motion from the NPA on anonymous donation to the city. I wrote about the […]

Corruption, governance, anonymous donations and the NPA

NPA’s motion on  “Anonymous Donations” With the recent resignation of three Canadian mayors, corruption and governance is on the mind of residents living in cities. I don’t often agree with the NPA’s position on many issues but, I have to say the intent of Councillor Affleck’s motion on anonymous donations does highlight some issues around […]

1862 Barclay St. goes to Development Permit Board on Dec. 17, 3pm

From Development Services for the City of Vancouver The date for the Development Permit Board consideration  of 1862 Barclay St., Development Application # DE415926, has now been scheduled on the agenda for the Development Permit Board meeting of: Date:               December 17, 2012 Time:              Meeting commences at 3:00pm Location:        Town Hall Meeting Room (1st Floor, City […]

Notice of revised rezoning application and community open house for 1600 Beach Ave. and 1651 Harwood St.