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Images from Intercultural Community Opening

more images of garden opening

Grand Opening of Intercultural Community Garden Saturday May 7, 2011

photo Jason Lang On Saturday, May 7th, the Intercultural Community Garden Project will celebrate its Grand Opening on the rooftop of St Paul’s Hospital. This is a project that I have been working on over the past two years as a Director of the West End Residents Association (WERA). The Intercultural Community garden project is […]

Making Places to Go

“When you have to go you have to go”, this the slogan that I used last summer when as President of the West End Residents Association (WERA), we staged a little event in Nelson Park entitled “Potty Power” to advocate for the replacement of the washroom in the park. At the “Potty Power” event, in […]

Vancouver heritage expert wants St. Paul’s Hospital fixed

This week Donald Luxton, president of Heritage Vancouver Society in a article by Mathew Burrows in the Straight was quoted as saying: “ it’s an “opportune” time for “substantial investment in the buildings” at St. Paul’s Hospital.” For the full Straight ariticle:Matt Burrows If one thinks of how the earthquakes of this week have reek […]

The power of peace

I have had the honour of being nominated for the YMCA’s “Power of Peace” award along with West End Residents Association (WERA). I won’t win as there are so many inspiring people in Vancouver doing impressive work that are more deserving, but still, I am proud to be nominated. The YMCA describes the Power Peace […]

Courier article about Sunset Beach intercultural community garden

This article appeared in the October 22 edition of the Vancouver Courier Vancouver Courier by Sandra Thomas A proposal to create a multicultural community garden on Sunset Beach has been withdrawn due to negative feedback from residents living near the proposed site. If approved the proposal would have been a joint project spearheaded by YMCA […]

Rooftop garden cultivates community

This story appeared in the Vancouver Sun on Sept. 17, 2010. Click here for the full article. Imelda Milelli reaches into her small garden box atop St. Paul’s Hospital and pulls up a handful of wheat grass. A few boxes away, Tomoko Koike shows off her shiso, a Japanese herb used in salads, soups and […]

Recent news about St. Paul’s Hospital

Westender The following story appeared in in the Westender, where I am quoted in regard to recent developments about the renewal of St. Paul’s Hospital. The article is reposted here with the permission of the author. Thanks to Jessica Barret. Savings in saving St. Paul’s? By Jessica Barrett Supporters of revitalizing St. Paul’s Hospital at […]

Brent Granby in the news

Residents pack community forum to demand new West End plan In my capacity as the President of WERA I was quoted in an article in Xtra West, by Shauna Lewis in regard to proposed new developments in the West End through the City of Vancouver Stir program: “We’re not against density and we’re not against […]

Google street view

Check it out, my image was captured in Google’s street view. Don’t tell anyone at the City, but I was out postering in the West End for a West End Residents Association event by stapling posters to Hydro poles. You can see my red staple gun. Good thing Google did not actually catch me in […]