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Vancouver City Council

Urban forest strategy at council

The Urban Forest Strategy report for council this week is possibly one the best looking reports the City of Vancouver has ever produce. The report is filled with interesting information on the city’s urban forest including some great maps that compare neighbourhoods tree cover. City of Vancouver Urban Forest Strategy 62% of the urban forest […]

Does the NPA really believe this stuff or is it just good politics? Either way it goes to the issue of trust.

The NPA has been attempting to frame traffic calming measures and safety upgrades in Kitsilano all summer as a wedge issue against the Mayor and Council. The synopsis of their message is “the Mayor and Council don’t listen and they are creating a private road for uber-rich along West Point Grey”. In a television interviews […]

Support for the Active Transportation Corridor on Cornwall and Point Grey Road

July 18, 2013 Dear Mayor and Council: I fully support the development of an Active Transportation Corridor on Cornwall and Point Grey Road to create a safe connection between the Burrard Bridge and Jericho for persons of all ages and abilities. I frequently cycle through this area and it is a dangerous stretch of road.  […]

Viaduct removal: send more parks

Without a doubt the prospects of the removal of the Viaducts has the ability to provoke much anxiety in some folks. While tthe removal of the Viaducts has the potential to have a significant impact to improve the city and to restore the policy debacle of the attempted highway construction, much still needs to studied […]

Report from Council on Transportation 2040 plan

Vancouver City Council yesterday considered a report on the 2040 Transportation plan, which proposes a number on new measure to upgrade the network of bike lanes. The  plan contained upgrades to the Adanac bike path, the north side of Cambie Bridge and upgrades to the Canada line for pedestrian and cyclists. Here is the report […]

Quick Council update on the Mayor’s motion on the expansion of coal terminals.

The Mayor’s motion to study the health consequents of the expansion of a coal terminal passed with the support of Vision and Green Councillors. The NPA voted against the motion. Apparently NPA are okay with coal dust and climate change and it does not need to be studied. Interesting development from yesterdays debate from Council […]

Council update: Councilor Reimer strikes and replaces NPA motion on anonymous donations

Residents of Canadian cities need to have confidence in their elected official and know that the decisions made are in the best interest of the city and not influenced by anonymous donations. Yesterday, Tuesday November 28, Vancouver City Council considered a motion from the NPA on anonymous donation to the city. I wrote about the […]

Corruption, governance, anonymous donations and the NPA

NPA’s motion on  “Anonymous Donations” With the recent resignation of three Canadian mayors, corruption and governance is on the mind of residents living in cities. I don’t often agree with the NPA’s position on many issues but, I have to say the intent of Councillor Affleck’s motion on anonymous donations does highlight some issues around […]

Vancouver viaducts open houses

Dates of 3 Open Houses: Tuesday, June 5th, Woodwards Atrium, 4pm-7pm, 111 West Hasings Thursday, June 7th, Creekside CC, 3:30-6:30pm, 1 Athlete’s Way Saturday, June 9th,Central Library Promenade, 10am-2pm, 350 Georgia St. One of the more exciting moves that this Council has been working on is the discussion and planning on the removal of the […]

What is the NPA hiding? Why did NPA Council Candidate not file “Financing Disclosure Statement”?

Update: Tuesday May 8, 2012 from Councilor Geoff Meggs:Mr. Meggs website: This just in: the NPA’s Francis Wong, so late filing his campaign finance disclosure that he is barred from running the next election, has now submitted his statements after all. Add $34,812 to the NPA’s total spending of $3.1 million. Also circulated to the […]