Is it possible to coexist with wild urban coyotes?

Stanley Park Ecology Society in collaboration with the Pacific Spirit Park Society is putting on a workshop this Thursday on coexisting with urban coyotes.

There are an estimated 2000-3000 coyotes living in Greater Vancouver. Coyote encounters are common and the need to better understand Vancouver’s urban dwelling wild dog population is growing. Come join the Co-Existing with Coyotes program coordinator for an informative presentation and interpretive walk. Explore the complexities of living together with these clever wild canines in the urban environment.

Understanding Urban Coyotes

Thursday, March 3, 2011 – 7:00 PM

Fireside Room, St. Philips Church 3737 W. 27th Ave.

WALK: Sunday, March 6, 2011 – 2:00 PM

meet at the corner of 9th Ave. and Blanca

For more information: 604 681 9453

I have seen a few coyotes in my time in Vancouver and it can be a pretty exciting experience. I have never had any problems with them. Whenever I saw a coyote they were always going in another direction. To live in a city and see one of these animals is one of the thrills of living in Vancouver.

While I have not had any scary moments with coyotes, I do often see signs posted on hydro poles out and about the city looking for lost cats, so I know coyotes are out there doing there work.

I went to a workshop once before and it was worth the time to go to find out what one should do if one is confronted with a coyote.

Coyote encounters can be navigated in a safe and effective manner and there is a lot less to remember than wild bear encounter with trying to remember which course of action to do for the different types of bears.

With a few new skills and tactics it is possible for us to coexist with urban wild animals in most normal cases.

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