An open letter to Mayor and Council in support for proposed rezoning of 1754-1772 Pendrell St.

Dear Mayor and Council:

With the continued low vacancy rates for rental housing in Vancouver, the addition of 178 purpose-built rental units is a welcome addition to the West End and that is why I support the rezoning of 1754-1772 Pendrell St. Moreover, the proposal to have 26 of the replaced rental units to rent at rates 20% below the CHMC average rates for the West End provides West End residents a direct and tangible benefit to more affordable housing in this project.

The proposal’s allocation of 43% of the units to be suitable for families has merit and is worthy of support. Housing for families for in the West End is scarce and these 75 units are a welcome and needed addition to the housing stock in this neighbourhood.

The building design and how it interfaces with street and the development of a new public realm on Prendrell St. will be an improvement on what currently exists.

The project proposal should be congratulated on the parking plan of only 82 parking spots and with addition of spaces allocated for car sharing. The building’s proximity to public transit and the newly created active transportation greenway may even suggest further reduction to parking spaces. The allocation 219 biking parking spots is also an exciting addition to this project. With bike storage not often given much attention in the design of multi-unit building, it is encouraging to see this element in this project.

The 1754-1772 Pendrell St. rezoning has the potential to be a hub in a Neighbourhood Energy System, which is an exciting development for the West End and could in the future have a significant impact on reducing Green Housing Gas from this building and others in the West End and Vancouver.

As this rezoning project was submitted before the start of the West End Plan it is not guide by this work, but the project fits with many of the objectives of the plan and should be supported.

I moved to the West End 19 years ago with my partner. We were attracted to the vitality of the density of the West End and its proximity to incredible nature. We have raised our two children in a condo suitable for us to live and I feel fortunate and happy with our experience.  The proposed rezoning will offer other families and individuals an opportunity to experience the  vibrancy of the West End neighbourhood. I hope Mayor and Council will also support this project.

Yours truly
brent granby

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