West End draft plan is now available on the CoV’s website

Cardero Street Mural

Cardero Street Mural

Down the West End Plan from the City’s website here
From the West End Planning Team:
The draft West End Community Plan is now available on our webpage. Hard copies of the draft plan will be available at Joe Fortes Library, West End Seniors Network and Gordon Neighbourhood House by the end of the week.

The draft West End Design Guidelines for Infill Housing and the draft Rezoning Policy for the West End are also available on our webpage. These documents, along with the draft plan will be considered by Council and will help to implement the plan, after Council approval.

If you haven’t already, please take a look at the map and short video available on our webpage. These provide an overview of how the plan will help address long term demand for job space, new housing opportunities, and the provision of public amenities over the next 30 years.

If you’d like to learn more about the draft plan, the registration information for our upcoming “Learning Sessions” is available on our webpage. These sessions will provide an opportunity to learn about the plan, understand how it will help shape the future of the community, and ask questions.

We anticipate that the draft West End Community Plan, draft West End Design Guidelines for Infill Housing, and the draft Rezoning Policy for the West End will be considered by City Council on November 20, 2013. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details.

Thank you for your continued interest and help in shaping the draft West End Community Plan.


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