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Baby forced into political action by mean policies of PM

I was not able to attend the rally for a national housing plan last Saturday, but by all accounts it was a success. It was well attend and so peaceful and well run that there is not even one media account about it. Here is a report of the rally on theWERAwebsite. Before the rally […]

Vancouver Housing Authourity, how we will create affordabilty

How will Vancouver maintain its high quality of life if it loses its affordability? People from all over the world relocate in Vancouver. The city has a spectacular setting, situated in the valley of the Coastal Mountains, but increasingly Vancouver is becoming less affordable. The change in affordability is also going to affect the diversity […]

The right to the city

The Right to the City: Housing, Homelessness and the 2010 Olympics A Public Forum Hosted by the Impact on Communities Coalition Monday, November 23, 2009 7:00 – 9:00 pm Fletcher Challenge Theatre, SFU Harbour Centre Reverend Ric Matthews, First United Church Christine Ackermann, West End Residents Association Wendy Pederson, Carnegie Community Action Project Nathan Edelson, […]

The Dr. Peter Centre in the West End

The Dr. Peter Centre (DPC) is located on the corner of the Mole Hill Community Housing block. The block of renovated heritage houses consists of 178 units and is home to 300 tenants with mixed income levels. In the alley between the heritage homes is a community garden with 70 plots. On Comox St. on […]

The right to the city, David Dennis, part 4

David Dennis-President elect, United Native Nations, spoke about the affects of power on native people and the resulting loss of language and spirituality.

David Eby on credibility gap of civil liberties

David Eby, the executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCCLA). Mr. Eby spoke about the credibility gap between what authorities responsible for the games are saying about how there will be no impact on civil liberties and the raft of new City of Vancouver By-laws that were passed at Council last June […]

Counsillor Anton’s motion to exempt Landlords from Taxes

At the September 22 City of Vancouver (CoV) Council meeting, Councillor Anton will attempt to move a motion to exempt Landlords from the Provincial governments planned harmonization of the provincial sales tax with Federal government’s Goods and Services Tax (GST).link to the actual motion The Motion speaks to the new Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), which […]

Unite Here Local 40 Rally Friday September 11

On Friday September 11th Unite Here Local 40 held a rally to support workers of the Coast Plaza Hotel who are in negotiations for a new contract. The sticking point in the negotiations is the issue of the workers’ “transfer rights” to move their contract to a new hotel in Coal Harbour from the West […]

Tenants of Golden Crown Hotel speak about illegal evictions

DERA speaks out about illegal evictions at Golden Crown Hotel

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